Episode #251: Hope-filled Lessons Learned in Heartbreak

Sometimes life takes a turn far worse than you could have imagined. That was true for Lily Taylor, author of Unconfined: Lessons from Prison and the Journey of Being Set Free, during the eight years her son was imprisoned on drug charges. But even in that dark season, rays of God’s love and care shone…

Episode #249: Two Powerful Ahas About Living with No Regrets

Cheri and Amy share take-your-breath-away insights about how to live a no-regrets life. Far from being intimidating (I mean really, who has no regrets? No one.), this episode is personal, raw and applicable. Amy has already declared this one “GnG’s most impactful episode ever.” It’s one you’ll want to listen to twice and share with…

Episode #248: How to Live in the Joy of a No-Regrets Life

We can easily become paralyzed by our regrets, giving up the life God has for us and surrendering His joy. Although we all have sins, disappointments, and heartaches, it’s possible to surrender those points of regret to God in ways that release us. Rhonda Stoppe, the “No Regrets Woman,” shares biblical strategies that help us…

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