Episode #19: Creating Intentional White-Space in a Black-Out Season

(If you prefer reading to listening, you can download the transcript of this episode!) Is there an alternative to filling our calendars and emptying our wallets with endless activities and trips this Thanksgiving and Christmas? This holiday season we can make proactive decisions that leave more margin for joy in our interactions with others. Cheri…

Episode #16: The Power of Play and Grieving

(Prefer to read rather than listen? Download the transcript right here!) We’ve pinned negative labels on some very human processes like play and grieving. Play is often consider slacking and grief is sometimes seen as a pity party. Lucille Zimmerman, author of Renewed, explains why both are essential to the full life and how they serve…

Episode #15: Finding the Beautiful in Messy Situations

(Prefer to read rather than listen? Download the transcript right here!) Cheri and Amy process last week’s interview with Sheila Wray Gregoire through the lens of conflict and no-black-and-white circumstances. It turns out that messy doesn’t mean ugly. There is redemption and positive personal change that happens when we face the natural complications of life instead…

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