Episode #119: Turning Over Control to the One Who Does It Best

Wonderful women who love deeply often also struggle with control issues. (Cheri and Amy might be in this club!) Let’s just admit it. It’s easy to think that we’re “helping God” when we’re really controlling our people and our circumstances. In this transforming interview, Jennifer Dukes Lee, author of It’s All Under Control: a Journey of Letting…

Episode #118: When to Say Yes and How to Say No

In this busy world, can we maintain both relationships and hustle? We can if it’s holy hustle. Holla! Cheri and Amy process their conversation with Crystal Stine, author of Holy Hustle, and share the lessons they’ve learned over the years about when to say yes and ways to say no. This episode is essential if…

Episode #117: How to Make the Magic Mix of Holy and Hustle

Paid jobs. Volunteer jobs. Serving and helping. How do we do it all, love what we’re doing AND keep our sanity? Crystal Stine, author of Holy Hustle, shares the secrets of working with our whole hearts while preserving a whole life. Listen in today while Crystal helps us with work, rest, comparison and connection!  …

Episode #116 1/2: How to Know When You Need to Focus

“Is it Perfectionism … or is it focus?” In this bonus episode, Amy and Cheri dissect the difference between the all-or-nothing thinking of Perfectionism and the intense focus some projects require. They share tips for recognizing when the “just chip away at it 15 minutes a day until it’s done” approach will NOT work and…

Episode #116: How to Stop Trying Harder and Start Living Better

We’re not made for the exhaustion of try-harder living. Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory, co-authors of You Don’t Have to Try So Hard, share strategies for overcoming Perfectionism and its three fellow “P Bullies” — People-Pleasing, Performancism, Procrastination. If you need insight on how to resist these and strength to rest from them, listen in…

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