Episode #147:  How Oneness Could Rock Your World (In a Good Way)

Ponder this question: “Am I going to be a loving person or not?” Life could change dramatically if we all asked ourselves that question before every interaction and reaction. Deidra Riggs, author of One: Unity in a Divided Word, brings challenging insights into how to build oneness in our everyday lives, speaking into a culture…

Episode #146: Hope for the Hopelessly Awkward Hostess

The house must be spotless. The food must be gourmet. Your outfit must color coordinate (and your apron must match). These are bad hospitality rules that have held Cheri and Amy hostage. But what if none of these are true? What if we can embrace connection over perfection? When we can, hospitality looks much more…

Episode #145: Discovering the Hope and Happiness in Hospitality

Sometimes the celebration just doesn’t seem worth it. The cleaning, the cooking and the planning can be overwhelming, so we just avoid it altogether. But what if we’ve over-complicated hospitality, letting our perfectionism get in the way of something really good? Christen Price, author of Invited, shares how to choose connection over perfection when we…

Episode #144: How to Rest Your Way Back

In our driven, multi-tasking culture it’s so, so hard to rest. But what if rest is the key? What if rest, not work, is just what you’ve been looking for to find your way back to your truest, God-created self? It’s not just possible to bring God great glory in rest, it’s actually a requirement….

Episode #143: Returning to the Hidden You

  It’s easy to get lost. Not the kind of lost that you can fix with a GPS, but the kind of lost when you don’t quite remember who you are anymore. Michele DeRusha, author of True You, helps us to find our way back to the person God created us to be. Pushing back…

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