How to Know When You Need to Focus — focused attention

“Is it Perfectionism … or is it focus?”

In this bonus episode, Amy and Cheri dissect the difference between the all-or-nothing thinking of Perfectionism and the intense focus some projects require. They share tips for recognizing when the “just chip away at it 15 minutes a day until it’s done” approach will NOT work and for setting yourself up for success when it’s time to put on blinders and focus.

Then, Tonya Kubo — facilitator of both the Grit ‘n’ Grace Girls Facebook Group and the Clutter Free Academy Facebook Group — and Cheri discuss the upcoming online book club for You Don’t Have to Try So Hard, co-authored by Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory. Join us for 6 weeks of banishing the “P-bullies” of  Perfectionism, People-Pleasing, Performanicsm, and Procrastination from our heads, our hearts, and and our homes — together!



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